It’s Time to Bring Your Play to Life!

"Under the guidance of Artistic Director Ken Wolf, Manhattan Repertory Theatre's innovative program whereby they fully produce your play is a godsend to every playwright. Take it from someone who has used the service.

One of my manuscripts was languishing in my desk drawer destined never to become a “play.” Ken Wolf took my manuscript and brought it to life. I was impressed with his attention to detail. And to think that this can be done for a play submitted from any where in the world.

I strongly recommend that any playwright whose work is gathering dust in their “never to be seen” file, to do yourself a favor and experience the joy of seeing your play produced.”

Albert Repicci - Playwright - “The Promise”

Here's a play that crackles for each of its 90 minutes, certainly enhanced by tension-filled direction by Ken Wolf.”

-Peter Filichia, Broadway Radio -

"Powerhouse succeeds on so many levels... The solid writing, direction and performances make for a very satisfying night out at the theater."

Tony Marinelli -

“The best acting accolade goes to Jennifer Pierro as the HR psychologist second banana” - Mari S. Gold, T and B On The Aisle

Since 2017, we have produced over 80 plays from Playwrights, Actors and Producers from around the world!

We are now accepting Full-Length plays and Musicals 60 to 150 minutes for production in Summer 2025 through 2026!

Production costs for a full-length play range from $25,000 to $200,000 +, depending on the "size" of your production, scenic elements, and the number of performances.


We will completely manage your production and bring your play to stunning life in NYC or anywhere in the world!

If you are serious about producing your play in New York City, or anywhere in the world, please fill out the application form below:

The Amazing Powerhouse set by Jack C. Golden

Anthony J. Ribustello & Ken Wolf in Conversations With Dog by Ken Wolf

George Bennett Watson & Laura Shoop in Powerhouse by David Harms

Jennifer Pierro and Kate Levy in Powerhouse by David Harms

Self-Produce your Best Play in NYC or Anywhere in the World!

We are now accepting applications for our Ground-breaking Play Production Program!

Please fill out the application form below, and we will get back soon!


“Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today.

Let us begin."

- Mother Teresa -