Jennifer Pierro and Laura Shoop


“Wiry and jittery Jennifer Pierro has several hilarious bits as the scheming company psychologist.”

“Director Ken Wolf’s sharp staging realizes the play’s comedic and dramatic momentum through zesty straightforwardness, visual élan and his cast’s strong performances.”

“With its five characters and one set, Powerhouse is in the tradtion of well-made plays.”

Jennifer Pierro

Jennifer Pierro and Laura Shoop

“The best acting accolade goes to Jennifer Pierro as the HR psychologist second banana.” -Mari S. Gold, T and B On The Aisle


A 2024 10 Best List

by Darryl Reilly

(shared with Off-Broadway and Broadway Plays)

I think the reason why RAWSHOCK did so well was because we took the time, in this case, literally years to develop the script. Rita came to me with this play in the pandemic and I did two script consultations on it. We did a developmental production of this play in June 2023, where I worked with Rita before rehearsals started, to refine the play even further, and worked it in rehearsals. Before this recent production, we again went through the script to make it more concise and more compelling, and then, we cut and changed scenes as we worked it again.

I had a great idea to change all the scenes which took place in the main therapists office to being scenes in the hallways of the hospital, the group room and even an Elevator, which Rita okayed, which worked beautifully in this production, making scenes which previously seemed stagnant, active and engaging.

And then, we were lucky enough to cast a fantastic team of actors including my partner in life and Manhattan Rep, Jennifer Pierro! It was a perfect storm of playwright, material, actors and my passionate direction. One of the most fulfilling plays I have ever directed.



“exquisite command of dramatic writing”

“exhilarating physical staging”

“Dressed all in black with flowing black hair, the thin, animated and alluring Jennifer Pierro is haunting as a disturbed artist off her meds; she is riveting enacting several harrowing breakdowns.”

Chelsea Clark conveys tremendous pathos as a troubled young woman on the verge of a new start in life!”

“The authoritative, yet approachable Camber Carpenter is serene as the heroic therapist.”

Nathan Cusson is ferocious as a combative hothead patient.”

Christian Libonati beautifully combines intensity and weariness as a forlorn substance addicted male prostitute.”

“Each actor offers and sustains fearless characterizations”

"Rawshock intelligently explores its painful subject matter through blazing theatricality."


“Rawshock is an important example of theater in the service of society”

"explosive segments of psychological and emotional breakdowns"


“It is beautifully written by Rita Lewis and superbly directed by Ken Wolf.”

"The ensemble that plays the patients is outstanding. They fully embody their characters and give several emotionally compelling performances."

"Jennifer Pierro is so in tune with the character that watching her feels like eavesdropping on a real patient."

"Chelsea Clark gives a beautifully integrated performance of Tina, fully realizing the moments of anxiety and calm."

"Nathan Cusson is solid in his characterization of Alex, a young man who is an outpatient and has an explosive temper."

"Theresa Della Valle's performance adds to the powerhouse that this ensemble represents. She is totally believable as the grandmotherly member of the group. From the moment she enters the stage and speaks her first lines, there is no doubt that it is not an actor playing a role but a real person."

"Christian Libonati gives an emotionally powerful, heart-breaking tour de force performance, the impact of which is not fully realized until the end of the play."

Jennifer Pierro, Chelsea Clark, Nathan Cusson, Theresa Della Valle, Christian Libonati, and Camber Carpenter

Christian Libonati, Jennifer Pierro, Camber Carpenter, Nathan Cusson, Theresa Della Valle, and Chelsea Clark

Jennifer Pierro, Christian Libonati, Nathan Cusson, and Theresa Della Valle

Jennifer Pierro and Chelsea Clark

Christian Libonati, Jennifer Pierro, Dave Siberger, Nathan Cusson, Theresa Della Valle, Chelsea Clark and Camber Carpenter.

Theresa Della Valle as THE WITCH!

Picture by Bob Greenberg

Witchland by Tim Mulligan

Provocatively Entertaining!

As the story unfolded, the audience sojourned in a world of horror and black comedy. The initial elements of fear, tension, and tragedy were liberally peppered with dark and light humor, creating a unique, provocatively entertaining experience that was baffling and unsettling. Witchland deftly wallowed in evil witches, curses, baby cemeteries, winsome teenagers, family life, heroes, and heroines set in a dark, mysterious landscape. It also delved into modern families, 21st-century social mores, and the broad diversity of big cities compared to sheltered villages. The show provided immersive, intimate theater as characters swished about, performing both from the stage and among the audience.


The production creates some authentically creepy moments, such as an incongruous cry issuing from the witch's mouth, an instance when pecking from Judith's double stops being seemingly ticklish, and a suggestion of Judith taking flight upon her double's back. Witchland makes effective use of the entire space inside the theater (an early moment involving the double is particularly unsettling as well as indicative of things to come, and even the programs offer a touch of immersion), and Ken Wolf's sound design, which includes periodic sirens that might put some in mind not only of nuclear disaster but also of the Silent Hill franchise, helps to maintain a suitably fearful atmosphere...You might not want to live in Witchland, but you won't regret a visit.

John R. Ziegler and Leah Richards - THINKINGTHEATERNYC.COM

Dave Silberger, Mars Holscher, and Geoffrey Grady

Dave Silberger, Mars Holscher, and Geoffrey Grady

Nina Randazzo and Mars Holscher

Theresa Della Valle, Dave Silberger & Chelsea Clark

Theresa Della Valle as THE WITCH

Since 2017, we have produced over 80 plays from Playwrights, Actors and Producers from around the world!

We are now accepting Full-Length plays and Musicals 60 to 150 minutes for production through 2026!

Production costs for a full-length play range from $25,000 to $200,000 +, depending on the "size" of your production, scenic elements, and the number of performances.


If you are serious about producing your play in New York City, or anywhere in the world, click on the button below!

Chelsea Clark as Honey Pot, Jessica Luhmann as Barb

Nathan Cusson as Matt

Geoffrey Grady as Ben Hammer

Nathan Cusson as Matt

Dave Silberger as Tom

Nathan Cusson as Matt

Dave Silberger as Tom


We are always seeking production staff: Actors, Directors, Design Team, Technicians and House Staff, so we are building an Artist Work Database to use for the various productions we build. Click on the button below. Fill out the form or forms which work for what you do, and we will reach out first to this database when building a Production Team.

Take your playwriting to the NEXT LEVEL!

Perform Amazing Audition Monologues and GET THE PART!

Do you have audition monologues that need work?  

Now is the perfect time to perfect your monologues and to add new ones to your repertoire!

Get insights into making better and bigger choices so that your monologues make an impression.

Develop a monologue that shows off your best talents and effectively presents “your type.”

Get constructive, supportive feedback on your work, & on the audition process, and finally get that part!


THE COMPLETE FANTASTIC PLAY SERIES by Ken Wolf is an unparalleled journey into the art and craft of playwriting and production, now available in one comprehensive volume. Whether you're an aspiring playwright taking your first steps or a seasoned professional looking to re-invent your writing process, this collection is your ultimate guide to writing better plays and getting your plays produced.

Written by Ken Wolf, Playwright, Off-Broadway Director and Producer, the Artistic Director of Manhattan Repertory Theatre, Playwriting Coach and host of The Playwriting Podcast whose unique insights from over 35 years of experience writing, directing and producing plays in New York City,

Ken will transform the often daunting task of writing a play into a fascinating and exciting adventure, with simple strategies and techniques you can incorporate immediately into your playwriting workflow.

Ken makes the process of writing a play fun!

This series includes four indispensable books:


Discover a revolutionary new approach to writing a full-length play in just four weeks. Learn how to develop compelling characters, write specific and captivating dialogue, and harness the power of Ken's Emotional Event Map so that you can write better and faster than ever before, and complete a fully realized and compelling play in only 28 days.

So many playwrights take months, even years to complete a play, but this book will teach you a unique writing workflow, and give you a writing schedule, that will make it easy for you to write a fantastic full-length play (70 - 120 pages) in only 28 days. Yes, 28 days!  You will learn a new way of writing a play that will transform your playwriting and your playwriting career!


Unlock the secrets of successful playwriting with these 10 essential Principles of Playwriting. Ken's expert guidance will reshape your understanding of the craft of Playwriting and you will write better and faster than ever before!

Learning these Principles of Playwriting, these production based distinctions of play creation, will transform your playwriting and your playwriting career forever. You will see and understand playwriting in an entirely different way, and if you put these 10 Principles of Playwriting into action, you will take your playwriting to the next level, whether you are novice or a seasoned pro!


Perfect for the fast-paced world of theatre festivals, this book teaches you how to create compelling and unique 10 minute plays in 2 hours or less. You will learn a new way of writing a Fantastic 10 minute play that will increase your 10 minute playwriting productivity 10 fold! And it's fun too!


Learn a brand new and proven strategy to get your play read and produced. Ken offers the 8 Principles of HOW TO GET YOUR FANTASTIC PLAY PRODUCED, which outline best practices for play submissions, follow up emails and phone calls, connecting personally to theatres and producers, and so much more! Learn the best practices to connect with theatres and producers, to bring your plays to the stage!


Infused with personal anecdotes and real-world experiences, THE COMPLETE FANTASTIC PLAY SERIES is more than just a guide. It's an invitation to transform your playwriting and your playwriting career. 

Learn from one of the industry's best play creators and see your plays come to life on stage. Whether you aim to write your first play or your fiftieth, this series will inspire, challenge, and support you every step of the way.

Embark on your new playwriting journey today with THE COMPLETE FANTASTIC PLAY SERIES by Ken Wolf.

The ultimate guide to writing fantastic plays and getting your plays produced!

What do you do when you’re injured, facing the impossible, and are still determined to run the 1996 New York City Marathon? 

You run backwards, of course!

In Zen and the Art of Marathon Running, Ken Wolf takes you on a hilarious and unforgettable journey, filled with passion, humor, and a truly unique marathon training regimen. 

Six weeks before race day, Ken suffers a severe knee injury and must train by running backwards. In his quest to achieve the impossible, while heroically battling his inner demons, Ken uses Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, to create marathon miracles!

This inspiring and funny memoir chronicles what it takes to get to the starting line, and most importantly, to cross the finish line of The New York City Marathon.  

Zen and the Art of Marathon Running is the true story of ridiculous commitment, obsessive training, and the surprising strength inside, we discover at Mile 25.

As an added bonus, the book includes the play version of Zen and the Art of Marathon Running by Ken Wolf, which was produced in NYC in 2001, which is a delightful, theatrical twist on this unforgettable journey!

Join Ken on this one-of-a-kind heroic adventure that proves sometimes the best way to move forward in life is by going backwards!

A Hilarious Collection of Wild Theatrical Comedy, coupled with true production stories of Manhattan Rep.

Get ready to laugh until it hurts! Playwright Ken Wolf, Artistic Director of Manhattan Rep and host of The Playwriting Podcast, delivers a collection of his wildest and funniest plays in this outrageous collection of comedies.

Ridiculously Wacky Plays by Ken Wolf, features three of his most absurd and entertaining works, each packed with insane humor, and ridiculous twists.

THE FAT SUIT – Chaos ensues in a production of Romeo and Juliet where the director and actor have wildly different visions of the lead role.

TONALITY - A seemingly ordinary pre-theatre dining experience at a New York restaurant quickly spirals into chaos when a simple meal turns into a psychological mind game.

CONVERSATIONS WITH DOG - Follow the journey of an angry playwright whose life is turned upside down by a sex-obsessed dog sent from Heaven to save him. Created on stage with the late, great Anthony J. Ribustello, who was a regular on The Sopranos TV show, this full-length comedy goes places where no comedy has ever gone before!

But that’s not all! Each play in this collection is accompanied by behind-the-scenes stories from their productions at Manhattan Rep!


"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

- Theodore Roosevelt -